
First movie, “wo-hoo”

I took Niko to Wall•E on Saturday — his first movie in the theater. We have been watching previews since they released them six months ago, so we were both pretty excited to finally see the film. He surprised me by sitting patiently in line for 30 minutes while we waited to get into the theater, and then another 30 waiting for the movie to start. When the first preview started on the big screen, Niko was stunned into silence (rare for my son). He was quiet for about two minutes and then turned to me and said, “biiiiig.” And when I think about it, that screen really is pretty damn big.

He sat in my lap the entire movie and barely moved except to ask me questions and point out notable events. At one point during a tense moment in the film the theater went quiet and he yelled out, “Wallllllleeee, Eeeeeeve!” breaking the silence and sending the audience into hysterics. We were all worried about Wall•E and Eve — he just vocalized it for us.

The movie was absolutely brilliant. More than anything, I revere Pixar for all the passion that clearly goes into their movies. A film like this doesn’t happen — cannot happen, without a dedicated, driven team that won’t settle for anything but the best. This movie was loved by its makers and it shows.

I was oddly sentimental leaving the theater and would admit (only under extreme duress) to tearing up having taken him to his first movie. It isn’t really a milestone people mark, but it is a milestone nonetheless. He is now more boy than baby. We shared something we both loved. Together we ate popcorn until we were stuffed. Together we were captivated by a great story. Together we drove home through quiet neighborhoods with all the windows open — enjoying the sunshine and wind. Him in the backseat chatting endlessly about Wall•E, Eve, and Moe. Me in the front seat tearing up in the moment and how wonderfully simple life can be sometimes.

If there is anything a parent earns, it is the right to get sentimental at any damn milestone they want.

First movie

No, he said

Two is just around the corner. You would never know it…


Happy Father’s day

“Hello Dad-dee,” he said as we woke up from a nap, his blue eyes shining. Then his lids got heavy again, and he nestled down deep against my chest, breathed deep, and went back to sleep.

There is, without question, no better feeling on this earth.

Happy Father’s day to Dad, Lew, Jonathan, Luke, Melodie, and all the Fathers in my life.


Happy Birthday Mary


Backyard time with Roan

I remember when I used to take pictures of our friends when they come over. Now we just take pictures of the babies. Roan and Niko got some quality time in the backyard we enjoyed cocktails with Chris and Sai.

Water table

Deep in discussion

Playing house

Care repair

Powered by Dad (tm)


Traffic jam

Three pigs

The three pigs as told by my wife and son.


Boulder bound

We headed to Boulder last weekend to visit the Sladden/Richau clan. (Mandy’s blogging puts me to shame, both in turn around time and quality — see Boulder visit part one, two, and three.) It was one of those lovely lazy weekends with great Colorado weather. Mark and Mandy excel in both hospitality and patience. I’ve come to think of their guest bathroom as “my bathroom” which can’t be a good sign for them. After an amazing weekend of good company, good food, and good drink, Josh and Amy’s “Wii Fit” estimated my age to be 50. At first I was shocked by the estimate, but when I really think about it, that sounds about right.

Sandbox with a view


Mandy, Mark, Scott


Saffy, Amy, Joshy

Bag of corn, geee-raf



Two bumblebees

Jul and Niko talk bumblebees around the tomato cage in the backyard…


Jumping, swimming, sinking

Jul, Nicholas, Sumo, and I did some swimming this weekend with Margret and Reese. Niko seems to have the jumping into the pool part down, and he can surface after his first plunge, but after that he sinks like a rock. So basically so far I’ve taught him how to kill himself, but not swim. Good progress.

You might want to put on sunglasses for this video, my bald spot can throw off quite the glare.


Boys, running to the pool

Boys, running to the pool

Faces at 19 months

Black, white





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