Fall in Trumbull
November 28th, 2008 by Scott
November 28th, 2008 by Scott
November 23rd, 2008 by Scott
As usual, a bit behind on my posting. Niko seems to be at the great age where he is mobile enough to go trick-or-treating, task-driven enough to collect candy, yet not aware enough to understand his father ate all his candy the next day. I think it is some form of candy-collecting slave labor.
Niko (unsurprisingly) had three costume options. The first was a Pug costume from the Kodamas. (The Kodamas are in Halloween dress-up mode year round.) The Pug costume was worn several days before Halloween and was hilarous! Both Molly and Niko wore it. Niko deemed it “too hot” at one point and the ensuing chaos while trying to get it off did not allow for any photos. Second try was a lion from Grandma Pat. Niko loves pretending that he is a lion. His “roar” is quite entertaining. However as you can see below, Niko seems to have equated the lion costume with “a coat and hat” and he really doesn’t like coats or hats. (You can imagine what it is like getting him bundled up to take the dog for a walk.) Fortunately Jul had also bought him a Bam Bam costume. Bam Bam seemed particularly fitting given his propensity to…errr…bang things. We managed to get him into this costume with limited drama. Molly was Pebbles so it was a regular Flinstone Halloween. Couple of anecdotes from his first trick-or-treat experience:
November 9th, 2008 by Scott
November 8th, 2008 by Scott
November 4th, 2008 by Scott
November 2nd, 2008 by Scott
October 11th, 2008 by Scott
Now that Niko is two, Mandy (who is responsible for my end-to-end life brand) felt it was time for a new blog header that says “I’m two” instead of “I’m a baby.” And as usual, she nailed it. Theme colors adjusted accordingly. Thanks Mand.
October 11th, 2008 by Scott
In September we gave away half our stuff, packed the rest into storage, sold the house, and headed east. Jul’s parents graciously took us in until we can find a home on this coast. Everything we have now fits in two suitcases. I chose to pack the Tivo instead of jackets which seemed genius at the time, but might prove unwise in a couple months.
A couple days after we arrived, Niko turned two. This of course warranted a party. The entire family came over. I believe this is what Jul meant when she said, “I want to be closer to family.” We even got to see the Kodama family, who trekked down from Boston (which I think is up near Canada). I don’t remember much of the party because it was during the Michigan game but I’m told it was a blast. (In my defense, they do publish these schedules like a year in advance.)
October 7th, 2008 by Scott
Couple of Niko-isms at 2:
October 6th, 2008 by Scott