
Archive for June, 2010

Diving board

Diving board jumping with some help from a bubble, and auntie Meg. [flickrvideo]http://www.flickr.com/photos/happyinwater/4740968126/[/flickrvideo]

We got to climb on the Darien fire department fire trucks this weekend. Apparently this excitement was so exausting that when I took the boy to dinner, he fell asleep in the booth. We also got new neighbors with a little girl Niko’s age. Good for the boy, good for us, dancing all around. Plus we did […]

Donuts, PJs

Morning father/son trip to the donut shop.


Jul managed to catch Niko mid-jump…

On the deck

Fun with long hair.

Dinner out

Swimming in the gulf

No oil yet.

The zombies are chasing you. Your last chance to get away is a car. In the distance. You run to it, jump in, and find out it is a manual transmission. Learn to drive stick. If only because of the zombies.

Niko and Elsie are playing family. Elsie is the baby right now. Niko just complained to me that the baby wasn’t listening. “Dad, the baby [Elsie] isn’t listening. I want her to go to bed, but she won’t listen to me. I tried to put her in a time-out but she was hiding in the […]


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