
Archive for April, 2008

First haircut

He obviously didn’t enjoy his first cut but I couldn’t tell if it was the haircut or the leopard print smock. Or maybe it was the Wiggles playing on the TV. Those guys freak me out. Who could possibly be that happy? It just ain’t right.

Little explorer

Beaches rock for the little one because there is no end of stuff to discover (and possibly eat). We also get to say “bye bye” to the sun every night. I’m also determined to get him standing on a surf board by age three. Won’t it be funny when he hates the water just to […]

U-N-C-L-E spells Unka

Plenty of quality time with time with “Unka Don” and “Aught Deen” in Florida.


We spent some time on the bayou yesterday and headed down to our favorite bar for a breakfast of oysters and beer.


Lazy days on the porch.

Toddler in the sand

We are down in Florida this week. Since the last time we were here somebody swapped out my baby, for a little man who can walk and talk and say things like “go swimming?” We are here with all four grandparents and Aunt Jan and Uncle John. For those of you not counting, that is […]