
Archive for March, 2008

Licking the bowl

There is nothing I appreciate more than people who make amazing things. People who don’t settle for mediocre, or good, but instead insist on amazing.  Take the iPhone. I’ve hated every phone I’ve ever owned (and believe me, I’ve owned a lot) until the iPhone. The team that built the iPhone never settled, right down […]

Weekend with G-Pat

Jul and I headed to Vegas last weekend to celebrate Mandy’s 31st…err…30th birthday so Grandma Pat came out to watch the little monkey while we were gone. They both survived each other, although the house took on some damage. As usual Mom took some great photos of the boy. More…


we might need to cut his hair. Hopefully that day is not soon.

Assorted catch up

Continuing in my path backwards in time, in early February Jul and Niko headed back east for Molly’s second birthday. I sadly couldn’t make it because of work. Sumo and I were downgraded to bachelor status and left to fend for ourselves. It is amazing to me how quickly the house goes from “clean organized […]


We headed to Maui in February to celebrate Kim and Chris’ wedding. We didn’t do a great job with photos, but did catch some swimming action shots and video. He seems to have taken to the water like I have hoped/required. Many would argue I didn’t give him a choice, but if he can’t complain […]

Boys love dirt