
Archive for October, 2006

Well Fed

We have been extremely well taken care of in our first couple weeks as parents. Jul’s Mom spent the week here while we were down in San Diego and stocked our frig and freezer with food. She makes the best eggplant parmesan on the planet. Then my parents arrived and provided an endless stream of […]

Human swing

Different soothing tactics seem to work for Nicholas at different times. Sometimes rocking quiets him down, sometimes singing, sometimes walking, sometimes the bouncy chair or swing, sometimes crying with him. The one technique that seems to work without fail is the human swing. I can’t tell if he is just so surprised to find himself […]


Everybody in the Johnston household is a sleepy. Especially the boys. Sadly, rarely at night.


More Visitors

Chris, Sai, and Roan came by and brought us an amazing mushroom risotto dinner on Thursday. Yum. Cara (a.k.a. amazing artist friend) came down from the city to see the boy. Lynn, Steven, Niel, and Conner came by. He calls us Auntie Jujie and Auntie Cott. At some point I’m going to graduate to Uncle […]

Aunt Jan

My sis is out visiting from D.C. hang with the Niko this weekend. She got here in time to watch the Michigan vs. Michigan State game. We decked out the little man in blue and yellow and cheered on the team. Overall Nicholas was happy with how Michigan played. He was a little disappointed in […]

Home alone!

Jul had an oncology appointment on Thursday during the day (she passed with flying colors) and had to leave Niko home alone with me (gasp!). Here is what I learned: It is possible to have a conference call while holding a screaming baby with judicious use of the mute button and regularly insertion of statements […]

Boxes, boxes, everywhere

I came home Wednesday to huge boxes from the Mark & Mandy, Matt & Rach, Susan, and Carol & Bunk. We are going to have one crazy stylin’ baby. At first I wondered what the heck we were going to do with all the clothing. Then I remembered he went through about three outfits a […]

Nothing says parenthood…

Like spittle on the shirt. Ick.

Jul took the little man to his first doctors appointment yesterday. He did really well and didn’t even cry when he got a shot (baby tougher than father already). Nicholas weighed in at 8 lbs up from 7,10 at birth and 7,7 when we left the hospital.  He is 20.75 inches long down from 21 […]

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