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About Us
Back Forty Gear, LLC provides quality products that are essential to its customers. These products are used with confidence in their quality and functionality – and through their use, the products provided by Back Forty Gear, LLC instill in its customers a greater sense of confidence in their pursuit of outdoor activities.

Why and How the Product was Developed
Back Forty Gear, LLC’s founder, Fred Cliff, has been pursuing outdoor activities for over 40 years. As a dedicated archer, he has shot with tabs, mechanical releases and shooting gloves. Having determined that for shooting with fingers, a tab provided the benefits of better form and accuracy Fred decided to incorporate features of all three shooting devices. The Ultra Tab™ was developed by experimenting with different designs and getting feedback from archers around the country. We feel that the Ultra Tab™ provides the best blend of comfort and utility while continuing to provide the superior accuracy and benefits to form associated with a shooting tab. The proof of this has been demonstrated in the field through use in the roughest conditions and on the range by winning numerous league shoots and tournaments.

Why the Company was Formed
Back Forty Gear, LLC was established in 2006 to bring the Ultra Tab™ to market. We plan on continuing to grow the company by developing and offering other innovative products to outdoor enthusiasts. It is our belief that Back Forty Gear, LLC products will be used with confidence and as an essential part of pursuing a wide range of outdoor activities.
To be able to pursue outdoor activities, we recognize the importance of protecting and maintaining access to wild. We encourage everyone to take part in outdoor activities; be it gardening, archery, hiking, hunting, fishing, camping or biking – and to do so in a thoughtful, responsible way. By donating a part of our profits to recognized charitable organizations, Back Forty Gear strives to ensure that there continues to be a back forty for everyone to enjoy.
1% for the planet

"1% For The Planet is an alliance of businesses committed to leveraging their resources to create a healthier planet. Members recognize their responsibility to and dependence on a healthy environment and donate at least 1% of their annual net revenues to environmental organizations worldwide. The alliance aims to prove that taking environmental responsibility is good for business."

Visit 1% for the planet
Customer Testimonial
"I shoot heavy bows, and shoot a lot more arrows than most traditional archers. I'm also very tough on my traditional gear. The Ultra Tab is the only tab I've ever used that can take the abuse I put it through. The cordovan leather face not only stands up to heavy use without wearing out, it actually gets slicker the more you use it!"

-- Brian Sorrells, Bedford IN
Author of “Beginner’s Guide to Traditional Archery”

Origin of the term “Back Forty”
As a unit of area – In the US, 1 township is 36 square miles (6 miles by 6 miles). Each square mile is divided into 16 subdivisions of 40 acres (1/4 mile by 1/4 mile). Americanisms: "Back forty", "Forty acres and a mule".

General use of the term – The term back forty is used through the northern and western areas of the US to mean a large, remote, often barren stretch of land. The term takes on a figurative cast when, for instance, lumberjacks in New England use it to refer to an out-of-the-way place. And if someone is wasting your time, a Michigander might say, “He’s been plowing the back forty.”

Here at Back Forty Gear, LLC the term back forty describes any place, near or far, large or small, where we go to enjoy the outdoors.

Wildlife photos copyright Greg Block