

Costume hand made by artistically gifted Mandy.

Smiling scary monster (costume by Mand)

Scary monster (costume by Mand)


Seems I now have competition…


Rule #3: Your people

Don’t surround yourself with people who accept you for who you are. Surround yourself with people who expect the world of you and will hold you to it.

Rule #2: Live in amazement

The world is amazing. Live in wonder and appreciation of this fact.

Sladdens in Darien


Flat Sara

Along the wall






Sladdens on the beach




Caught in the act!

Raining inside

Pug waits...


Super Barbie

We played super heroes today. Nick said he was spiderman, I was iceman, and Jul was…Barbie. “Super Barbie,” she said. He thought for a second, “No, just Barbie.” I guess Barbie doesn’t need the super modifier. It just goes without saying.

First iPad sketches

Using Sketchbook Pro

Rule #1: Never stop learning

​Read about Yo Yo Ma, one of the most accomplished musicians of our time.  Listen to one of his solos with your eyes closed and realize he has completely mastered the cello. Yet at the height of his career he started The Silk Road Project because he wanted to learn. The best cello player in the world, still sees endless opportunities for growth and renewal.

​Read the book Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales. Learn that the ones to survive are the ones who are constantly learning, adjusting to changing situations.

Regularly appreciate and be amazed at the accumulation and accessibility of knowledge in Wikipedia. Use it.

Always take it apart. Even if you don’t know how to put it back together.

Constantly wonder about everything around you.

The Rules

1001 Rules for My Unborn Son made me smile.

The concept seems to fill that innate parental desire we have to impart wisdom on our children, while all the time knowing they will have to learn it themselves. In fact, deep down we know they will often do the exact opposite of what we recommend just to protest the tyranny of the current parental regime. We know this because we were them, and our parents were us. Sure, we think we are different. We are not old like our parents were when they were our age. We are young, hip, and in touch with the youth. We have iPods for god’s sake, we play XBox, and send text messages. Surely, our kids will listen to us, right?


And so the great cycle of life continues unbroken:

Fail to listen. Learn through experience. Attempt to teach those who do not listen.

So my dear son, welcome to “The Rules.” A series of posts where I will spout snarky wisdom, that after you ignore, and then learn yourself, you will understand. Or you will decide I am nuts. Or maybe both.

It is only fitting I start with rule #1.



This too shall pass

If you haven’t watched OK Go’s latest video, I highly, highly, highly recommend it.


If you have children, I highly, highly recommend watching it with them over and over hundreds of times. Oh and dance. Dance like Niko and Elsie. Rube Goldberg and dancing, can you ask for more in life?


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