
This too shall pass

If you haven’t watched OK Go’s latest video, I highly, highly, highly recommend it.


If you have children, I highly, highly recommend watching it with them over and over hundreds of times. Oh and dance. Dance like Niko and Elsie. Rube Goldberg and dancing, can you ask for more in life?


2 Responses to “This too shall pass”

  1. on 12 Mar 2010 at 8:10 pm KT

    OK WOW !

  2. on 18 Mar 2010 at 7:29 am Hannah West

    I think it took nearly as long to load that 4 minute video onto my computer as it did to set up the studio to make it happen! And, like Niko and Elsie, the most fun for me was the music. It does my heart good to see that in all that elaborate crashing and smashing the important thing is the dancing. It’s a perfect example of a good parent-child interaction. The parent can say, “How did they do that and can I make it happen, too?” while the child is saying, “Cool music, let’s dance.”