April 5th, 2009 by Scott
Outside of “US President,” parenthood invites advice like no other position in life. I remember a women crossing the street in Mountain View to tell me Niko should be wearing a hat (it was a frigid 55 degrees). Television seems to spark a great deal of debate as well as a huge amount of unsubstantiated advice. A short conversation on the topic can generate so many anecdotal conclusions based on corollary information it will make your head spin. Some of the smartest, creative people I know watched a huge amount of television as children. Many other brilliant people I know watched very little. Best I can tell Niko seems to be learning Spanish from Dora, counting from Sesame Street, and spelling from Word World. Does any of this evidence mean kids should watch television? No. Does it mean they shouldn’t? Nope. Much like religious debates, I find it is wise to just steer clear of the conversation.
After watching this video a few times and concentrating on the Spanish and the visual clues, it suddenly occurred to me to think about the context clues. I then understood him to say that after he jumps over the house it is going to be a long way down. Hopefully, since he knows this, it will not be necessary to make the experiment.