
Having a baby on your lap is not all that different from the persistent laptop on my lap, although I’m still searching for the off switch. I’m pretty sure Nicholas has super powers — here he is moving faster than a camera shutter. I’m happy to say Mary is feeling better after the c-section and is resting comfortably. After watching a nurse do it one thousand times we have learned how to make a baby burrito. My first attempts looked a lot more like a toga, but fortunately the baby comes with a “feedback mechanism” which includes “screaming loudly” when you don’t do the burrito right. Nicholas is not shy about sharing his concerns. He can move fairly seamlessly between your standard cry, the quivering lip red face scream, and the short bursting “WAAAH’s”. I’m pretty sure he is using a variant of Morse code encrypted in some way. I’ll let you know if I make any progress.

Baby Burrito

6 Responses to “Baby, same temperature as laptop, cries more, no off switch”

  1. on 27 Sep 2006 at 5:05 pm Tippy

    As my people say, “Mazel Tov”!! 🙂
    The Hermans are so excited for you, and we cannot wait until you are settled in back in Mountain View. Please please let us know when Nicholas is ready for the public.
    With smiles, hugs and kisses,
    Tippy, Sarah and Vlado

  2. on 27 Sep 2006 at 10:44 pm Bryan Cantrill

    What a cutie! As for that burrito…you’ll get better. 😉 Remember that you pretty much can’t make it too snug — the snugger, the better. Anyway, we’re very excited for you — congratulations! All of our love, Bryan, Brigid and Tobin

  3. on 28 Sep 2006 at 3:53 am Bunky & Carolyn Baumann

    Julie & Scott,

    We are just so happy for the three of you. Waiting for the go ahead so I can go shopping. Can’t wait to meet the little pumpkin. Love and hugs to all. Talk to you again soon

    Love Ya

  4. on 28 Sep 2006 at 10:09 am Gorana Klaric

    Hi Julie and Scott,
    I am so happy for you.. Nicholas was born on my birthday..Can’t wait to meet him..Congratulations and Best of luck to you..
    May God continue to bless your new family..
    Gorana Klaric

  5. on 29 Sep 2006 at 3:12 pm Amy Richau

    I wonder if the “baby burrito” is similar to the “kitty burrito” I learned at school. At least the point of the baby version is not to keep sharp claws and teeth from biting/scratching you! (At least I hope that’s not the point.) Congratulations – Josh and I hope to see all of you soon! Love, Amy

  6. on 06 Nov 2006 at 8:45 pm Michele Lee

    Julie & Scott,

    I am so excited for you both. Nicholas is absolutely adorable. He has the best parents! I am looking forward to meeting him the next time I’m in town.

    Love to you all,
    Michele (Jake too!)