
Ha-woah-ween 2008

As usual, a bit behind on my posting. Niko seems to be at the great age where he is mobile enough to go trick-or-treating, task-driven enough to collect candy, yet not aware enough to understand his father ate all his candy the next day. I think it is some form of candy-collecting slave labor.

Niko (unsurprisingly) had three costume options. The first was a Pug costume from the Kodamas. (The Kodamas are in Halloween dress-up mode year round.) The Pug costume was worn several days before Halloween and was hilarous! Both Molly and Niko wore it.  Niko deemed it “too hot” at one point and the ensuing chaos while trying to get it off did not allow for any photos. Second try was a lion from Grandma Pat. Niko loves pretending that he is a lion.  His “roar” is quite entertaining.  However as you can see below, Niko seems to have equated the lion costume with “a coat and hat” and he really doesn’t like coats or hats. (You can imagine what it is like getting him bundled up to take the dog for a walk.) Fortunately Jul had also bought him a Bam Bam costume. Bam Bam seemed particularly fitting given his propensity to…errr…bang things. We managed to get him into this costume with limited drama. Molly was Pebbles so it was a regular Flinstone Halloween. Couple of anecdotes from his first trick-or-treat experience:

  • Niko insisted on carrying his candy bag even once it weighted more than him. The bag was taller than him, so he basically just dragged it around all night.  He also insisted on running at all times meaning the night was filled with face-plants.
  • Neither Niko nor Molly seemed to get the idea of the screen door that opens out. So each house would end up in a stand-off between Molly and Niko (standing with their faces pressed up against the door) and the homeowners (hoping to open the door).
  • Once the stand-off was settled, the first question people would typically ask would be, “And who are you?” (Meaning, “Who are you dressed as?”) Molly would answer “Well, I am Molly, and this is Nicholas.”
  • Despite not understanding the physics of a screen-door, they seemed to have a plan worked out, where Niko would act cute and distract home owners, while Molly grabbed handfuls.

Not a happy lion

Halloween sucks


Bam bam

Ready to go

I'm dressed up as taller than you

This will be full

Pebbles and Bambam

...and they are off... Loot


One Response to “Ha-woah-ween 2008”

  1. on 23 Nov 2008 at 4:05 pm Hannah West

    They sure are cute. I fear Niko will have to learn to love or at least tolerate coats and hats if this weather keeps up. It’s mighty cold outside lately.