Leather couch
October 5th, 2008 by Scott
As we either gave away or packed up all our belongs, the leather couch quickly became the only place to sit. (Just to be clear, by “we” I mean “Julie.”)
October 5th, 2008 by Scott
As we either gave away or packed up all our belongs, the leather couch quickly became the only place to sit. (Just to be clear, by “we” I mean “Julie.”)
It looks as though Niko shares his Dad’s thoughts about moving. Or is it some judicious editing? I wonder what(or if) Niko will remember about Mountain View. I have one memory of where we lived in New Haven from whence we moved when I was less than three but older than two. It is of the long and rather dirty staircase that led up to the second floor apartment where we lived. My mother said she taught me to crawl up those stairs at an early age so she wouldn’t have to carry me and the groceries too. I suppose that is where I spent a lot of time and certainly from a crawling position I probably observed all the dirt there was to see.