
First movie, “wo-hoo”

I took Niko to Wall•E on Saturday — his first movie in the theater. We have been watching previews since they released them six months ago, so we were both pretty excited to finally see the film. He surprised me by sitting patiently in line for 30 minutes while we waited to get into the theater, and then another 30 waiting for the movie to start. When the first preview started on the big screen, Niko was stunned into silence (rare for my son). He was quiet for about two minutes and then turned to me and said, “biiiiig.” And when I think about it, that screen really is pretty damn big.

He sat in my lap the entire movie and barely moved except to ask me questions and point out notable events. At one point during a tense moment in the film the theater went quiet and he yelled out, “Wallllllleeee, Eeeeeeve!” breaking the silence and sending the audience into hysterics. We were all worried about Wall•E and Eve — he just vocalized it for us.

The movie was absolutely brilliant. More than anything, I revere Pixar for all the passion that clearly goes into their movies. A film like this doesn’t happen — cannot happen, without a dedicated, driven team that won’t settle for anything but the best. This movie was loved by its makers and it shows.

I was oddly sentimental leaving the theater and would admit (only under extreme duress) to tearing up having taken him to his first movie. It isn’t really a milestone people mark, but it is a milestone nonetheless. He is now more boy than baby. We shared something we both loved. Together we ate popcorn until we were stuffed. Together we were captivated by a great story. Together we drove home through quiet neighborhoods with all the windows open — enjoying the sunshine and wind. Him in the backseat chatting endlessly about Wall•E, Eve, and Moe. Me in the front seat tearing up in the moment and how wonderfully simple life can be sometimes.

If there is anything a parent earns, it is the right to get sentimental at any damn milestone they want.

First movie

2 Responses to “First movie, “wo-hoo””

  1. on 14 Jul 2008 at 9:46 pm kim

    I had no plan in seeing this moving and now I can’t wait to see it… You sold me…

  2. on 14 Jul 2008 at 9:47 pm kim

    MOVIE sorry, not moving. Your blogs make me NOT want to move ha ha ha