
Nothing says parenthood…

Like spittle on the shirt.



3 Responses to “Nothing says parenthood…”

  1. on 06 Oct 2006 at 6:18 am Jan Johnston

    Can’t wait for the spittle to be on my shirt! See you guys soon!

    P.S. I hope you are giving Nicholas extra nap time today so that he will be in top condition for the Michigan vs. Michigan State Game. Aunt Jan will not allow for any naps to be taken during the game.

  2. on 06 Oct 2006 at 5:22 pm Julie and Scott (from Jersey)

    The spittle is just the start…I am used as a human tissue around my house. I think it’s just how the babes show their love for us. Enjoy!

  3. on 09 Oct 2006 at 10:49 am Hannah West

    Scott, You need a “burper.” A receiving blanket would do, but the really best things are cloth diapers. If you can find the prefolded ones, they have maximum absorbancy for minimum work (folding). You just have a stack handy and put one over your shoulder whenever you pick the baby up. The spitting and drooling will only get worse as teeth begin to appear in the next three to six months. Hannah West (aka Mary’s Mom) P.S. Thanks for taking the time to blog for all of us who are enjoying the vicarious experience of watching your little one grow.