
Grandma Pat and Grandpa Jere (a.k.a. Mom and Dad) trucked out from Michigan for the day Saturday (because they are crazy like that). We got a chance to try out Mom’s new fancy camera, and hang at the park Saturday morning, before we headed over to Raj and Suzanne’s house.

With Grandma in the park

Turtle? I think it is a turtle.

You talkin' to me?


Safer than playing with Dad

How do you steer this thing? Focus on the bottle, be the bottle

3 Responses to “G&G were in the house (briefly)”

  1. on 22 May 2007 at 7:23 am Jess and JJ

    Oh my gosh…I swear he just gets cuter and cuter!!!! We can’t wait to see Niko and Julie in August…wish you could be there Scott!

  2. on 22 May 2007 at 7:32 pm Jane (Johnston)

    Well I kinda hoped to see a pic of my bro too but I can tell who really rates. Any chance that was him in the swimming pool pic yesterday?

  3. on 22 May 2007 at 9:19 pm Scott

    That was him! In the silver hair!