
First overnight hike

Grandpa Lew and I took Niko on his first overnight hiking trip this weekend. I wanted a hike which got us deep enough into the wilderness to be a real hike, but not one that would make him hate hiking from the first trip. I settled on a CT section of the Appalachian trail (specifically between CT 41 & CT 112) with a five mile hike in and out and enough elevation change to be interesting, but not kill him on his first hiking trip. There were three things he seemed most excited about going into the trip:

  1. Carrying his own pack
  2. Flashlights
  3. The tent

The three things he ended up *actually* being excited about on the trip were:

  1. Throwing rocks off cliffs
  2. Flashlights
  3. The tent

The “carrying his own pack” thing got old pretty quick.

We got hit by a rain storm early Sunday morning so the hike out was a bit of a soggy five mile forced march but he seemed mostly unfazed by the hardship.

On a related note I got a new tent for the trip and the Nemo Losi 3 person tent is hands down the most amazing tent I’ve used. I can’t recommend it enough.

Getting started

Appalachian trail


In the woods

Snack break

Hipsta hikers

Odd rock

Rand's view



In the tent

In the tent


Rain storm

Rain storm

Into the field


Rand's view in the rain

Almost home

One Response to “First overnight hike”

  1. on 24 Aug 2010 at 8:03 am Hannah West

    Marty is going to be all over this post! My ancestors would have been, too. My grandfather hiked and hunted and fished in the Adirondaks. We didn’t do a lot of hiking when I was growing up, but we spent plenty of time in the woods identifying plants and I did a lot of Girl Scout primitive camping.