
Faces at 23 months

I’m months behind with posts. Grandma Pat was out in CA for a week in August and, as usual, snapped some great photos.






4 Responses to “Faces at 23 months”

  1. on 04 Oct 2008 at 12:49 pm Hannah West

    What wonderful facial expressions! If he can do some of them on cue, we definitely have an actor in the making.

  2. on 05 Oct 2008 at 7:04 am Jan

    Man, he practically looks like a teenager! Especially with his new ‘age 2’ blog banner.

  3. on 05 Oct 2008 at 10:56 am Jacqui Rounds

    I love the one peeking from behind the fabric tunnle; precious! You are so lucky to have Nicholas in the age of digital photogrphy. Can you imagine trying to share photo’s with people the old fashion way? Wait a week to get the pictures back and then sorting, postage, letters and waiting for the phone call, we finally got them. Count your blessings! (I know you do) God bless, Jacqui

  4. on 07 Oct 2008 at 9:12 am John

    Is he going through cousin boot camp training in these pics? Unbelieveable photos.