
Too cold

Niko now equates discomfort with “cold.” So if the straps of the car seat are too tight he says “too cold.” If you really think about it, this is pretty spot on. Cold is pretty painful. Even better, it gives me a chance to show my unending wit, “Just wait until December in CT kid. I’ll show you too cold.”

Ha ha. Thanks, I’ll be here all night.

2 Responses to “Too cold”

  1. on 29 Aug 2008 at 1:49 pm Hannah West

    Where? In the doghouse? We New Englanders are not impressed by that sort of humor! If Connecticut doesn’t give Niko enough to complain about, you are welcome to come visit in New Hampshire. Actually, the coldest I have ever felt in New England was in Providence, RI. It never seemed right that I was colder in southern New England than in northern New England, but it was so. I suppose it was the dampness.

  2. on 01 Sep 2008 at 5:09 pm Leslie Davis

    There is no such thing as too cold when you are sitting at our house with a fire in the fireplace surrounded by family and friends…and oh by the way my friend…Niko hasn’t experienced “too cold” while sledding…there is no cold when you are outside playing in the winter…just pure exhilaration!! Can’t wait to see you guys.