Pardon the dust
December 27th, 2007 by Scott
I’m cutting over to encoding and hosting my own video, which might cause some minor glitches over the next couple days. I can upload videos faster to my server than YouTube/Google Video, and I also have better control over quality. It does mean videos might take a bit longer to buffer, but hopefully you will see a higher quality video and won’t get as much flickering or jumping once the video is loaded. I don’t auto-play the movie when you view the page, which means the player doesn’t start buffering the movie until you hit play. If you are hitting up against the buffer, you can always hit play, and then pause the video (and go get a cup of coffee). Once you see it load to 100% you can watch it without interruption. I’m also still working on tweaks to the actual video player, but hopefully won’t break anything too badly.
Sadly, this will do nothing for my poor camera work.