

After some time in CT for Thanksgiving, we stopped in Ann Arbor on our way home (where I managed to generate a bit more Google news than I expected). Niko got to see Great Grandma, and Janice joined us for the weekend. When Niko spends time with Mom, you really never know what is going to happen. For example, he might end up in the sink.




Sadly, the snow melted before we could get much playing in.

Playing with the dogs

Little man

He was great on the flight home and slept the entire flight from Houston. This continues to strengthen our theory that getting him his own seat is the key to air travel. That, and a little Jack Daniels.

After getting back we had a visit from Josh, Amy, and Saffron. There must be something in the water out there in Colorado. Both Saffron and LC are absurdly well behaved. Saffron had a “melt down” once which involved quiet whimpering for about three minutes.

Jul and Amy took the kids to see Santa one day. Nicholas was not a huge fan, but I can’t blame him. Until you understand the scary man in red is going to bring you gifts, it is hard to get past the fact that he looks a bit like a fat red demon. I am having some camera issues but luckily Josh and Amy recently posted their photos.

Niko’s new favorite word is “Wheeeeee” which he says anytime we are within 15 miles of a swing.



4 Responses to “Wheeeee”

  1. on 17 Dec 2007 at 6:53 pm John and Jan

    He’s quite the thrill seeker, we are very impressed. He would definitely take home the gold medal in the Swing, Giggle and Drool event at the Baby X Games. Can’t wait to work on his dismount with him when we get out there!

  2. on 17 Dec 2007 at 9:04 pm J BiFa

    Ahhh…to be a kid again. Absolutely precious!

  3. on 18 Dec 2007 at 2:33 pm Hannah West

    It’s a sad day when they grow too big for a bath in the sink!

  4. on 19 Dec 2007 at 7:10 pm Angie (Mary's friend)

    I love that coat! It’s so cute!