

After learning of Niko’s fascination with ducks (ducka-duckas), Kim sent us a gigantic duck. Giant Ducka-Ducka has been a huge hit with Niko, but has been claimed by another boy in the family.

Duck, Pug

4 Responses to “Ducka-doga”

  1. on 06 Dec 2007 at 7:54 am Hannah West

    Are we giving this dog an identity crisis? While I’m writing, it’s December 6. Happy Saint’s Day, Nicholas!

  2. on 06 Dec 2007 at 2:28 pm Kim

    This photo just made my day… I am soooo glad (ducka-ducka) is getting lot of love….

  3. on 06 Dec 2007 at 3:33 pm Angie (Mary's friend)

    Oh my! That’s a great duck. We need a comparison photo to see how big Nicholas is!
    I hope your family is not like mine… We all had our signature items when we were kids. Mine was kittens… I got a MILLION kitten items! My brother-in-law once said he wanted to change his name to “Polar Bear”, and he STILL gets at least one polar bear item for Christmas!

  4. on 11 Dec 2007 at 7:21 pm John and Jan

    No offense, Sumo, but my money is on the duck.