

We let Niko loose in the garden in hopes he would weed for us (kid has to earn his keep). Sadly he seems fairly indiscriminate with what he destroys. Yesterday he yanked out the only surviving eggplant and he likes to squeeze the tomatoes until they explode. To be honest, I might do the same thing if Jul let me loose in the garden. Eggplant is pretty gross unless you fry it and slather it in cheese, and exploding tomatoes? How is that not fun?

Bird? Plane? Oh, no, just dad.

Niko of the jungle

Apples from above

Young destroyer surveys the plants


One Response to “Gardnerer”

  1. on 29 Aug 2007 at 6:09 am John and Jan

    Love the overalls. Hate eggplant; that stuff can make a grown man cry. Good work Nicholas!! If you see any brussel sprouts in that garden, don’t be afraid to give them a good stomping.