
One small step for a baby…

As if to say “crawling is sooo one day ago,” yesterday Niko pulled himself up into a “down dog,” and them pushed up to standing, and took one step forward. All without any help. Scary stuff.


In other news, we went swimming…


Moll and Gramps


…hung out at Google…

Google t-rex

Google balls

Google balls

…and chilled on the couch…

Couch time

Think these two are sisters? I don’t see the resemblance at all.


3 Responses to “One small step for a baby…”

  1. on 26 Jun 2007 at 1:59 pm Hannah West

    What a week for developmental milestones! I guess Niko just needed Molly to show him how it’s done.

  2. on 26 Jun 2007 at 7:10 pm Jan

    Crawling, schmalling – this kid just wants to get to the good stuff!

  3. on 27 Jun 2007 at 5:33 am John

    He certainly has that smiling thing down. Walking should be a breeze, and I am sure it will be the best…and the worst moment for you all. Engage the baby proofing elves…