
There is a lot of hoping involved in raising a child. You hope your child stops crying and goes back to sleep. You hope he will eat more so you won’t be in trouble at the next checkup. You hope he is alive when you go to get him in the morning. You hope to get that big grin when you get home from work. You hope that flicker in his eye, is a flicker of recognition that you are his father. You hope he doesn’t hurt himself. You hope he doesn’t eat too much sand. Mostly you just hope that he is happy. Happy with himself. Happy with who he is and happy with who he becomes. All of this hope is bundled up into an aching love that I didn’t know until I was a father.

Adoption adds more hoping. You hope for amazing birth parents. You hope for a birth father that can relate to your son. Somebody who can explain the past. Somebody who can be where the boy came from. And for this, I don’t need to hope.

Happy Father’s day Jonathan, Dad, Lew, Luke, and all the fathers in our big extended family. Thank you for hoping, and thank you for being all I could hope for.

2 Responses to “Hope, Parenthood, and Father’s Day”

  1. on 17 Jun 2007 at 5:04 pm Hannah West

    Happy Father’s Day, Scott. I hope that you have one of those wonderful, loving, face-to-face pictures of you and Niko blown up and put in a frame and hung somewhere special as a constant reminder of that marvelous love you share. Niko (and the rest of us) are so lucky to have you in our lives.

  2. on 27 Jun 2007 at 6:49 pm Jacqui Rounds

    Scott, thank you a million times over for this web site. It is so amazing to see and share, almost every move that Nicholas makes. I second Hannah’s comment on how blessed we all are to have you and Julie in our lives, sharing Nicholas with us so openly. God bless you all – abundantly!