Boxes, boxes, everywhere
October 6th, 2006 by Scott
I came home Wednesday to huge boxes from the Mark & Mandy, Matt & Rach, Susan, and Carol & Bunk. We are going to have one crazy stylin’ baby. At first I wondered what the heck we were going to do with all the clothing. Then I remembered he went through about three outfits a day. I think they should make baby outfits out of the same material they use to make rain jackets.
Sumo tried to get into the pumpkin Susan got us, but forgot he wasn’t a tiny puppy anymore.
Thanks everybody!
Gracious me! Are you exposing this young mind to Violence! Just kidding, but give some equal time to peace and compassion.
Oops! Sorry, the above comment was intended for Home Alone. Serves me right for making snide remarks.